Zen Word For Better Communication #15 海神知貴不知価 Kaijin-tattoki-wo shitte-atai-wo-shirazu 

The god of the sea knows everything that exists in the ocean, but he may not know its value.

Even if one has a vast amount of information and knowledge, if one doesn’t utilize it, no value will be created.  That is to say, theydo not know the value.  

No matter how outstanding the technology you possess, if you don’t utilize it, no value will be created.  No matter how expensive an item is, if it is stored away in a chest, it will never be valuable.  No matter how much compassion you have, if you don’t show it, your heart will not help others.

Let us look at ourselves once again to see if there is anything that remains unused in our work and daily life.

Whether it is a job or a hobby, if you always try new things, you will discover your potential and find a new way of life. Let go of the belief that you are incapable of doing something and discover a new you. There are still many things you can do that you won‘t know until you try them.  - K.Kato